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The guild's rules in text format:

I CHAPTER Name, place of origin and purpose

1 § Name and place of origin

The name of the association is Tampereen TietoTeekkarikilta ry. The name TiTe is used as an unofficial abbreviation of the association's name. In these rules, the association is referred to as guild. Informally, the name Guild of Information Technology can be used in English contexts.

The guild was founded on May 14, 1991.

The guild's place of origin is Tampere and its official language is Finnish.

2 § Purpose and activity

The purpose of the guild is to:

  • promote cooperation among Information Technology students at the University of Tampere
  • advance the interests of its members in matters related to studies
  • promote and develop the study of computer science and its awareness in society
  • enhance the recreational opportunities of its members
  • develop the professional and societal skills of its members
  • develop and uphold the teekkari culture of Tampere, both in Finland and abroad.

In order to achieve its purpose, the guild may, among other things:

  • organize meetings, training and discussion sessions, social gatherings, study trips, celebrations, and other leisure activities
  • disseminate information about the guild's activities by publishing newsletters, magazines, or other materials
  • arrange corporate collaboration events and fairs
  • provide information about job opportunities
  • maintain contact with other student communities, Tampere University's administrative bodies and staff, Student Union of Tampere University, Tampere Teekkarit ry, professional organizations, business sectors, and other necessary stakeholders.

To support its activities, the guild can:

  • accept grants, donations, and bequests
  • acquire movable and immovable property necessary for its activities
  • distribute and sell materials related to studies and recreational activities, such as study supplies, textbooks, and overall patches
  • organize entertainment events, fundraising, and lotteries with appropriate permits
  • engage in economic activities as per Section 5 of the Associations Act to provide the means to further it's purpose.

The guild cannot acquire financial benefit or profit for its participating members.

II CHAPTER Members and fees

3 § Becoming a member

The guild's members include regular members as well as external, supporting, and honorary members. Any individual studying for a degree, postgraduate, or exchange program in the technical sciences at Tampere University can be accepted as a regular member, provided they accept the guild's purpose and rules and pay the guild's membership fee. An external member can be anyone studying for a degree, postgraduate, or exchange program in Finland, accepting the guild's purpose and rules, and paying the membership fee.

Those accepted as regular members before any changes to the rules will retain their eligibility as regular members until the completion of their studies.

Supporting membership in the guild can be granted to individuals or organizations interested in the guild's activities, who wish to support the guild's purpose and activities.

The guild's board approves regular members, external members, and supporting members by application. A person who has been expelled from the guild according to the procedure outlined in section 6, paragraphs 1 or 2, can be admitted as a member with a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the board.

The guild's assembly, with a three-quarters (3/4) majority vote, can confer the title of honorary member upon an individual who has demonstrated outstanding contributions to the guild's activities or significantly advanced its objectives. The proposal for honorary membership can be made by the guild's board or a member group consisting of at least fifteen (15) members. An honorary member can also be a regular member of the guild if they meet the conditions required for regular members outlined in these rules. The guild maintains a membership list of its members.

4 § Member responsibilities

The regular members and external members of the guild are obligated to pay a membership fee to the guild, the amount of which is determined by the guild's election assembly. The membership fee is valid for the period between June 1st and May 31st.

Supporting members of the guild are obligated to pay a supporting membership fee, the amount of which is determined by the guild's election assembly. The supporting membership fee is valid for the period between January 1st and December 31st.

Honorary members of the guild are not obligated to pay a membership fee, even if they are regular members of the guild.

5 § Member resignation

A member has the right to resign from the guild at any time by providing written notice to the guild's board or its chairperson. A member may also resign by announcing it during a general assembly.

Regular members and external members are considered to have resigned from the guild if they have not paid their membership fee for the current academic year by the end of October. A supporting member is considered to have resigned from the guild if they have not paid their supporting membership fee for the current calendar year by the end of March.

6 § Member dismissal

The general assembly has the authority to expel a member from the guild if the member:

  • Fails to fulfill the obligations committed to upon joining the guild.
  • Substantially damages the guild, either through actions within or outside the guild.
  • No longer meets the conditions for membership as specified in the law or the guild's rules.

If the expulsion of a member is to be discussed at an assembly, it must be mentioned in the assembly notice.

The guild's board can expel a member from the guild if the member no longer meets the conditions for membership as specified in the law or the guild's rules.

If the board intends to discuss the expulsion of a member at its meeting, it must be mentioned in the meeting notice. Before making a decision, the member concerned must be given the opportunity to be heard if they wish.

If a guild member significantly damages the guild through their behavior or actions, the board can, for a maximum period of six months, restrict the member from participating in guild-organized events or limit the member's access to guild services. If the board intends to discuss disciplinary measures against a member in its meeting, it must be mentioned in the meeting notice. Before making a decision, the member concerned must be given the opportunity to be heard if they wish.

III CHAPTER General assemblies

7 § General assemblies

General assemblies include the annual assembly, election assembly and additional assemblies. The guild's board is responsible for convening general assemblies.

8 § Annual assembly

The annual assembly must be held by the end of April and must include, at least:

  • Discussion of the previous year's activity report.
  • Discussion of the financial statements and annual accounts presented by the board.
  • Hearing the auditors' statement.
  • Decision on the approval of the annual accounts and granting discharge from liability to the board and other responsible parties.

9 § Election assembly

The election assembly must be held by the end of November and must include, at least:

  • Election of the chairperson and other members of the board.
  • Election of auditors and their personal deputy auditors.
  • Decision on the amount of the membership fee for the next academic year.
  • Decision on the amount of the supporting membership fee for the next fiscal year.
  • Approval of the action plan and budget prepared by the board.

10 § Additional assemblies

An additional assembly of the guild must be held when the general assembly decides so, the board deems it necessary, or at least one-tenth (1/10) or at least twenty-five (25) eligible guild members demand it for the consideration of the announced matter. Upon receiving the demand, the board must promptly convene the assembly. The assembly must be held within two (2) weeks of the demand, excluding the summer period (May 1st to September 1st), during which the assembly must be held within four (4) weeks of the demand.

11 § Convening general assemblies

General assemblies must be announced at least seven (7) days before the assembly, posted on the guild's notice board, and sent through the members' email newsletter. The assembly notice must include the agenda, as well as the time and place of the assembly. A general assembly is considered quorate if it has been convened according to the rules.

12 § Right to vote

The right to vote and eligibility for candidacy belong to the regular members of the guild. Other members have the right to be present and speak at assemblies. Voting by proxy is not allowed.

13 § Verification of Minutes

At general assemblies, two (2) minute verifiers are selected from among the regular members of the guild. The verification must be completed within two (2) weeks of the assembly.

IV CHAPTER Decision-making arrangements and elections

14 § Decision-making procedure

Unless otherwise stated in the rules, a decision is reached by the opinion supported by more than half of the votes cast in the vote. In case of a tie, the chairperson's vote decides, except in elections, where a draw is resolved by a random method.

When voting on the expulsion of a member or disciplinary measures and the votes are tied, the milder opinion becomes the decision.

Open voting should be used unless at least two (2) eligible voting members present at the assembly demand a closed vote.

When voting on proposed decisions, the assembly will determine the voting order.

15 § Elections

When only one person is to be elected in an election, they must receive at least half (1/2) of the votes cast. If no one receives an absolute majority of votes in the first round, a new election will be conducted between the top two candidates from the first vote.

If the election is conducted proportionally, candidate lists are not used. In this case, the voting ballot indicates the candidates to be voted for, with the first candidate receiving one vote, the second candidate receiving half (1/2) a vote, the third candidate receiving one-third (1/3) of a vote, and so on. The elected candidates are determined based on the number of votes they receive in descending order.

16 § Vote counting

When counting the number of votes cast, the following are not taken into account:

  • Eligible voters who did not vote because they did not attend the assembly.
  • Eligible voters who chose not to vote.
  • Eligible voters lacking formal voting rights for that meeting or matter.
  • Blank or invalidated votes.

V CHAPTER Board and officers

17 § Hallitus

Killan toiminnasta vastaa kalenterivuodeksi kerrallaan valittu hallitus. Hallituksen muodostavat puheenjohtaja ja viidestä kymmeneen (5-10) muuta jäsentä, joiden tulee olla killan varsinaisia jäseniä. Hallitus valitsee keskuudestaan varapuheenjohtajan, sihteerin ja rahastonhoitajan sekä nimeää hallituksen muiden jäsenten tehtävät.

Hallituksen tehtävänä on

  • johtaa killan toimintaa ja hoitaa sen taloutta ja omaisuutta
  • valmistella killan kokouksissa esille tulevat asiat ja toimeenpanna niissä tehdyt päätökset
  • laatia ehdotus toimintakertomukseksi ja tilinpäätökseksi sekä toimintasuunnitelmaksi ja talousarvioksi
  • kutsua killan kokoukset koolle
  • päättää muista asioista, joita ei ole määrätty killan kokouksen päätettäviksi - hyväksyä uudet jäsenet.

Perustellusta syystä killan kokous voi vapauttaa hallituksen jäsenen tehtävästään kesken toimikauden, jolloin kokouskutsussa on mainittava asiasta. Tehtävästä vapautetun henkilön tilalle voidaan tarvittaessa valita uusi jäljellä olevaksi toimikaudeksi.

18 § Hallituksen kokoukset

Hallituksen kokouksen kutsuu koolle hallituksen puheenjohtaja, hänen estyneenä ollessaan varapuheenjohtaja. Kokous pitää kutsua koolle myös, jos vähintään kaksi hallituksen jäsentä sitä puheenjohtajalta vaatii. Tavasta, jolla kokoukset kutsutaan koolle, päättää hallitus.

Killan hallitus on kokouksessaan päätösvaltainen, jos kokouksesta on ilmoitettu hallituksen päättämällä tavalla, ja puheenjohtajan tai hänen estyneenä ollessaan varapuheenjohtajan lisäksi läsnä on vähintään puolet (1/2) hallituksen jäsenistä.

19 § Killan nimen kirjoittaminen

Killan nimen kirjoittaa puheenjohtaja tai varapuheenjohtaja yhdessä hallituksen jäsenen kanssa. Hallitus voi myöntää nimenkirjoitusoikeuden killan varsinaiselle jäsenelle.

20 § Toimikunnat ja -henkilöt

Killan hallitus voi erityisiä tehtäviä varten asettaa määräaikaisia toimikuntia tai toimihenkilöitä, kuitenkin enintään hallituksen toimikauden ajaksi. Näihin toimiin voidaan tarvittaessa nimetä myös killan ulkopuolinen henkilö. Killan hallitus voi antaa toimikuntien ja -henkilöiden toimintaan liittyviä sääntöjä ja määräyksiä.

Perustellusta syystä killan hallitus voi vapauttaa toimihenkilön tai -kunnan tehtävästään kesken toimikauden, jolloin kokouskutsussa on mainittava asiasta. Tehtävästä vapautetun henkilön tai toimikunnan tilalle voidaan tarvittaessa valita uusi jäljellä olevaksi toimikaudeksi.

VI CHAPTER Administration and finance

21 § Tilikausi ja toiminnantarkastus

Killan toimi- ja tilikausi on kalenterivuosi. Killan hallintoa ja taloutta valvoo kaksi (2) toiminnantarkastajaa. Toiminnantarkastajien toimikausi on kalenterivuosi. Killan hallintoon ja kirjanpitoon liittyvät asiakirjat on toimitettava toiminnantarkastajille tarkastettaviksi viimeistään neljä (4) viikkoa ennen vuosikokousta tai toiminnantarkastajien sitä pyytäessä. Toiminnantarkastajien tulee toimittaa asiakirjat ja toiminnantarkastuskertomus killan hallitukselle viimeistään kahta (2) viikkoa ennen vuosikokousta.

VII CHAPTER Special regulations

22 § Päätöksen moitteenvaraisuus

Killan jäsen, hallitus ja hallituksen jäsen saavat moittia killan päätöstä kiltaa vastaan ajettavalla kanteella, jos päätös ei ole syntynyt asianmukaisessa järjestyksessä ja virhe on voinut vaikuttaa päätöksen sisältöön tai muuten killan jäsenen oikeuteen taikka päätös on muuten lain tai näiden sääntöjen vastainen. Oikeutta moitekanteen nostamiseen ei ole sillä, joka on kokouksessa myötävaikuttanut päätöksen tekemiseen. Kanne on pantava vireille kolmen kuukauden kuluessa päätöksen tekemisestä tai siitä, kun päätöstä koskeva pöytäkirja on päivätty.

23 § Merkkiohjesääntö

Killan tunnuksista ja merkeistä säädetään killan kokouksen hyväksymällä erillisellä merkkiohjesäännöllä.

24 § Sääntöjen muuttaminen

Muutoksia näihin sääntöihin voidaan tehdä, jos muutosesitys on hyväksytty vähintään kolmen neljäsosan (3/4) ääntenenemmistöllä kahdessa (2) peräkkäisessä killan kokouksessa, joiden väli on vähintään kaksi (2) viikkoa. Muutosesitys on mainittava kokouskutsussa. Muutosesityksen voi tehdä hallitus tai kymmenen (10) killan varsinaista jäsentä kirjallisena hallitukselle. Varsinaisten jäsenten tekemä esitys on käsiteltävä seuraavassa killan kokouksessa.

25 § Killan purkautuminen

Kilta purkautuu, jos kilta tekee siitä päätöksen viiden kuudesosan (5/6) ääntenenemmistöllä kahdessa (2) peräkkäisessä kokouksessa, joiden väli on vähintään yksi (1) kuukausi. Purkamisesitys on mainittava kokouskutsussa.

Killan purkauduttua tai jouduttua lakkautetuksi sen varat luovutetaan Tampereen Teekkarit ry:n käytettäväksi näiden sääntöjen 2 § mukaiseen tarkoitukseen. Mikäli Tampereen Teekkarit ry:tä ei ole, killan varat luovutetaan 2 §:n mukaiseen tarkoitukseen jälkimmäisen purkamisesta päättäneen kokouksen määräämällä tavalla.

26 § Reilu peli

Nämä säännöt ovat kaikille samat.

27 § Voimaantulo

Sääntömuutos tai purkamispäätös tulee voimaan, kun se on merkitty yhdistysrekisteriin.

guilds_rules.1708005934.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/02/15 16:05 by maklavp